Wednesday, 8 December 2010

More 12 Days - and a birthday!

OK, a few more shots from me today.

Day 6 was about angles and thinking about lighting etc for opening presents on the big day.  Conveniently, it was someone's birthday yesterday, so I was able to practise on him.  Bless him, he went slowly for me so I could get some shots.  Even Maisie got in on the act - and I never get a decent photo of her!

One of our family traditions is that, each year, we let Stephen choose a new decoration for the tree.  This year, rather than just take a photo of it hanging on a branch, I went for a slightly different shot - love how it sums him up, bitten fingernails and all!

And now he's 11!  Where did that time go?  No musical chairs or pass the parcel anymore - just a few friends round for a DVD and popcorn, a few games of Wii Party and tea.  Nice and simple!

He still wanted a homemade cake though - and asked for Annoying Orange!  If you don't know Annoying Orange - just don't Google it.  It's so - annoying!

And here is Day 7 - Razzle Dazzle.  Love the effect of going into manual focus and getting the beautiful bokeh - I even had a go with my punches and got the shaped bokeh.  Not great but it worked - looking forward to getting the tree up so I can play some more.

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